Ngee Khiong na swoim blogu podał listę 4 nowych książek, która mają zostać wydane.
MS Gundam UC 1 The Day of the Unicorn (First)
* Release date: February 1st, 540 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* Cover image to be done by Haruhiko Mikimoto , other illustration done by Kozo Omori.
MS Gundam UC 2 The Day of the Unicorn (Last)
* Release date: February 1st, 540 Yen (inclusive of tax).
* Cover image to be done by Haruhiko Mikimoto, other illustration done by Kozo Omori.
The Day of the Unicorn (First) MS Gundam UC 1
* Release date: January 23rd, 500 Yen (inclusive of tax).
The Day of the Unicorn (Last) MS Gundam UC 2
* Release date: January 23rd, 500 Yen (inclusive of tax).
Książka na podstawie anime? Tylko po co?