EARTH FEDERATION PHANTOM SWEEP TEAMHughes Curro: Male. Age 32. A veteran officer who leads the Phantom Sweep special forces unit charged with hunting for Zeon remnants. He has a bitter experience in which his unit was annihilated in the past.Sherry Allison: Female. Age 24. She was serving as a test pilot but was assigned to the special forces unit as a replacement.ZEON FORCES INVINCIBLE KNIGHTSErik Blanque (Blank): Male. Age 20. A young officer whose family is a distinguished family in the Principality of Zeon. He takes command of the ?Invincible Knights? in order to execute a counterattack operation against the Earth Federation Forces.Story: The time is Universal Century 0081. One year has passed since the war. Although the world was regaining order, small-scale battles continued in various places by the Zeon remnants who still continued to resist. During the situation, a veteran soldier of the Earth Federation Forces is appointed to a cleanup operation of the Zeon remnant forces. Feelings mix on the battlefield as the young Zeon officers advance their secret strategy for the revival of Zeon?
Nareszcie doczekaliśmy się powrotu universal century mam tylko nadzieję , że nowa seria będziepozbawiona boskich Mechów ala seed i 00.
The time is Universal Century 0081
pozbawiona boskich Mechów ala seed i 00.
Mnie póki co nie cieszy powrót UC bo nie przepadam za nim, mogli nam dać Crossbone
(tak jak każdy szanujący się fan gundamów)
Cytujpozbawiona boskich Mechów ala seed i 00.Bo oczywiście operujące na zmarłych Zeta i ZZ czy też inne F91/V2 to przepakowane nie były wcale.
Backpacks !
CytujMnie póki co nie cieszy powrót UC bo nie przepadam za nim, mogli nam dać CrossboneA Crossbone to też wcale nie UC...
więcej niż kolorowych odpicowanych robocików.
Story: The time is Universal Century 0081
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